Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Dear John Adams ...

Dear Mr. Adams,

I feel as though beginning this letter by gushing about your rise to the Presidency and fervent dedication to the cause of American liberty would be beneath you ... but knowing you as I do I am sure you would much appreciate that more than any criticism I might wield against your accomplishments, valid or no.

But neither flattery nor vilification are why I am writing to you today. Instead I would much rather ask for information and clarification. Please understand, this is not coming from a place of accusation or scorn but more from an earnest desire to understand your point of view on a certain collection of matters. There are ideas that you had during your career that were wildly ahead of their time and yet they are juxtaposed against other ideas that could not have been more firmly rooted in your time if they had tried. 

It is this contradiction that frustrates me when I am asked who my favorite US President is. I immediately want to shout to the Heavens that is neither the first nor the sixteenth person to hold that office but rather the second, the long-time advocate for American sovereignty and the national hero who helped lead this country and its people to freedom.